Wow....that was a whirlwind trip! I remembered this time to bring my camera with me....However I only managed to get pictures at the Creative Imaginations pre-show event.
This event was particularly dear to me because it involved the launch of Bare Elements otherwise known as "be." an idea i wanted to see come to fruition--- With a passionate team at Creative Imaginations that idea became a reality.
Be. girls Pow Wow.....LOve that Logo!!!!!!
Be Slammed....a sign of a successful party! it was sooo busy...I love these pre-show parties because they always give me a chance to catch up with some of my Favorite store owners and reps.
Scrappin in the Hills Gals----gonna be teaching there in the fall, stay tuned for some fun classes with the new Bare Elements line. Hope to see lots of you there!
Kathy, one of my fav reps selling her heart out!....sorta cool to watch her work.
How appropriate is Karen Russells sticker? This a is a great little make and take with the Melodee Chipboard book. So CUte!